Review from the Czech Republic site (in Czech) ! Thank You !

Metal thrives on a global scale, with the exception of Singapore. A group called OSHIEGO was born here in 2004. During that time, they managed to commit five albums, including this one, and their experience shows the experience; OSHIEGO’s distinctive expression comes from music in a somewhat natural way, without having to overwhelm their waist and show off their geographical origins. They just have it there – technology, melodies, brutality and energy. As a starting point, it’s not at all a matter of taking a closer look at OSHIEGO.

The songs have a special tension and natural energy, “Jaljalut” starts with overwhelming force and absolute persuasiveness, “Clerics Of Corruption” is an ideal opener in all respects. It combines rhythmic twists, crushing riffs, contagious grooves and ultra-fast lunges on the desktop for a few minutes. Everything has an easy-to-understand logic and a moment of surprise. “Tribulation” rolls in slower rhythms, but the middle tempo weighs like an anvil on the chest, the intensity of the song is physically felt, melodic details, including juicy melodic solos, give the song a break. “The Book of the Sun and Gnosis and the Subtleties of Elevated Things” adds a piece of narrative pomp and drama to all that has been said, which, however, does not prevent the song from starting decently, almost classic metal riffing blends with Eastern melodies and the result is captivating. With “Litany To The Sea”, everything is turning upside down – a hurricane is breaking in full force. The middle part of the album, as if to catch up and dust everything around it, is carried in a relatively uniform spirit and a decent relief would not be completely off topic. This is not to say that OSHIEGO is lost in his own music, there is so much that the transition from variability and playfulness to offensive frenzy may be too sharp. With “Litany To The Sea” OSHIEGO will perhaps push the saw even harder – “The Scourge”, “A Death Sentence” and “Wrath Of Khan” are passing a baton with a similar spirit, although at first they give the impression that OSHIEGO is already starting to mess around. round. However, this is not the case, in the final each of the songs creates different moods and works independently without any problems. The album does not lose its coherence to the very end, when many times the main thoughts decrease and they come to idle. “Jaljalut” turns in the opposite direction, and I’m almost sorry it’s over and I have a strong urge to press “play” again. The overwhelming power comes with “World Demise”, OSHIEGO with this song definitely broke free from the chain without throwing away the technical finesse and melodic elements. In addition to great guitar work, the surgically accurate and vigorous drum fire, which is a prerequisite for the final effect of metal albums in general, is also responsible for this.

It has happened to me many times already – a totally unknown band, from which I don’t know what to expect until the last moment, caught me on plums and tightened them in boiled noodles in abstract terms. I’m not even done from the means of expression, but from the way OSHIEGO caught them. “Jaljalut” can sell itself with its persuasiveness, great technical workmanship, overwhelming sound. But I’m still talking about the cover, the content definitely wins – what’s going on behind the riffs and melodies. And that a lot is happening.


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